Pan American World Airways
Transpacific Brochure
Clipper Photos
1948 Filmstrip
Here are some vintage Pan American materials from my private collection (unless otherwise noted):
 | This is a brochure that Pan American published in 1937 to promote the transpacific China Clipper service from San Francisco to Hawaii, Midway Island, Wake Island, Guam, Manila, and Hong Kong. |
Photos of Pan American Clippers and Wake Island in 1936 - from the collection of William B. Voortmeyer. Reproduced here by permission. |
Some pictures from a filmstrip that Pan American produced in 1948 for use by grade schools. Includes some rare color photography of Pan Am's Lockheed Constellations and Douglas DC4s. |
This page contains other items from my collection. The contents of this page will change from time to time. |
- - the Pan Am Historical Site that is the home of the Pan Am Historical Foundation.
- - The Flying Clippers, Pan Am's Fabulous Flying Ships - material about the Sikorsky S42, Martin 130, and Boeing B314 clippers.
- Website by author Jamie F. Dodson. Historical fiction novel "Flying Boats & Spies, A Nick Grant Adventure" about the Japanese sabotage and espionage effort to stop the Pan Am flying boats in 1935, and sequels.
Pan American World Airways, Inc. and Eclipse Holdings, Inc. claim rights to the Pan Am names, trademarks, and logos. Eclipse Holdings, Inc. has filed documentation with the Department of Transportation regarding its claim. Please see filing OST-99-5945. Also, the Court file at US District Court, 500 Pearl St., New York, NY 10007 (Case 95-Civ-2763 (LMM)).
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