| A publicity photo of Mary Kornman. Scanned from a photographic copy. The ukulele Mary is holding is missing two strings. |
 | Publicity shots of Mickey Daniels and Mary Kornman as adults are composited on a publicity still of Mary and Mickey shot for an Our Gang short that was produced probably in 1925. Scanned from an original print. The back of the print has only "Mickey Daniels," "Mary Kornman," and "year" written on it. |
 | A staged publicity still (circa 1925) of the gang with Robert McGowan. Scanned from a photographic copy. From left to right are Robert McGowan, Joe Cobb, Johnny Downs, unknown man, Mary Kornman, Mickey Daniels, Jackie Condon, Allen (Farina) Hoskins, and Bobby (Bonedust) Young. Jackie's face is blurred in the photo - he must have turned his head at the last moment. |
A publicity still for "Better Movies", released 1 November 1925. From left to right are Jackie Condon, Johnny Downs, Joe Cobb, Jay R. Smith, Mickey Daniels, and Mary Kornman. |
 | A publicity shot of Our Gang, 1926. Scanned from a photographic copy. From left to right are Johnny Downs, Joe Cobb, Jackie Condon, Mickey Daniels, Mary Kornman, and Allen (Farina) Hoskins. |  | A group shot of Our Gang, circa 1926. Scanned from an original photograph. From left to right are Joe Cobb, Mickey Daniels, Jackie Condon, Mary Kornman, Johnny Downs, and Jay R. Smith.
This is a photograph taken to promote the product represented by the ball on which Mary Kornman is sitting. The man standing behind the Our Gang kids is Mr. Clarence E. Dunlop, president of Western States Manufacturing Company, Sioux City, Iowa. The ball was made to answer the question: "How large a slit will Western Weld patch repair?" You can see the strips of patch rubber running up and down the ball, which is eight feet (2.4 meters) in circumference. The ball was made from nine old tubes and Western Weld patch. The photograph was issued to dealers of Western States' products.
The ball was made in the basement of Raymond Dunlap, director of public education in the Los Angeles school district. It was made from patches of tire, one at a time, held together by Western Weld Patch Repair. The ball was first shown at the Orange County Fair, with the Gang making a public appearance to promote the product. Source: Pat Rushing, granddaughter of Raymond Dunlap.
The photograph was taken on the lawn directly behind the Hal Roach Studios administration building, which you can see on the left. The big brick building in the back is one of the two stages that were at the studio at that time. There is a parking lot directly behind the gang. If the photo appears a little odd on your screen, it's probably because the print paper of the photograph is textured. The scanner picked up some of that texture in a subtle way. On the back of the photo is stamped "R R Stuart Collection 2007 N. Hobart Blvd. Hollywood 27, Calif." My thanks to Chris Bungo for providing information about the location where the photograph was taken and what is visible in the background. My thanks to Rob Horton for providing a reference that identified the purpose of the photograph and the identity of the man in the picture. |
 | A news photo of Mary Kornman and her husband Leo Tover.
The caption text is transcribed here exactly as it is on the photograph itself:
"WATCH YOUR CREDIT INTERNATIONAL NEWS PHOTOS 12 019 A. LIST FOR LOS ANGELES BUREAU (X) MARY KORNMAN FILM ACTRESS ELOPES WITH CAMERAMAN HOLLYWOOD, CALIF:--Miss Josephine [sic] Kornman, film actress and former leading lady of the original "Our Gang" comedies and Leo Tover, cameraman elope to Yuma, Ariz.,[sic] The wedding was originally planned for next week but due to Mr. Tover's scheduled picture work to commence next week the wedding was moved up a few days. Photo shows Miss Josephine [sic] Kornman and Leo Tover taken at a recent Hollywood premiere. 3/15/34"
The back of the photo is stamped with INTERNATIONAL NEWS PHOTOS, INC. copyright statement. |
 | A news photo of Mary Kornman and her husband Leo Tover.
The caption text is transcribed here exactly as it is on the photograph itself:
HOLLYWOOD, CAL.---Do you remember that cute little girl with the curls who was the first "leading lady" of the "Our Gang" comedies? Her name was Mary Kornman, then, but it's Mrs. Leo Tover, now. She eloped with the ace camerman and the ceremony was performed at Yuma, Arizona. Here they are, enjoying their first breakfast in Hollywood. "She's a good cook," says Leo.
The back of the photo is stamped with INTERNATIONAL NEWS PHOTOS, INC. copyright statement. |
An article written for Pathe sometime between September and December 1926. Transcribed from the original manuscript. The article contains interviews with Robert McGowan (the gang's director) and Fern Carter (their teacher).
The text is recorded here exactly as it appears in the manuscript - spelling errors, improper punctuation, inconsistant capitalization, and all. This article predates legal events concerning the films that affected ownership, copyrights, etc. Certain terminology used in this article that in future years would be expressed formally as copyrighted names/titles should be considered within this article as common usage when it was drafted. This article is presented here for public viewing as a document of historical interest. Please do not copy, reproduce, or publish this article in any way.